Lagunitas Lucky 13 from our good friends at Corks

Hello brew fans.  I have to say I was not going to have a beer tonight but the day was a typical rough Monday so here you go.  We recently took a look at the new Wine/Liquor/High Gravity Beer store in Turkey Creek called Corks and I felt lucky to find this beauty there.  I have been enjoying Lagunitas high gravity line of brews for years now and they never disappoint.  Their brews are always top notch and at 5 bIMG_2250ucks for a 22 oz bottle a great deal as well.

The Lucky 13 is advertised as a Mondo Red Ale and they are correct there.  The color is a nice copper color sporting a nice white lacing.  At first pour you are greeted with a fantastic caramel malt aroma followed by spicy and herbal hops.  The flavor is even better with a great spicy hop tang followed by toasted caramel and woodsy flavors.  The ABV on this bad boy is kicking at 8.6% but the perfectly balanced flavors hide this very well and create a very drinkable brew.  I am absolutely loving this beer and I believe I just might kill the whole bottle tonight.

Final snobs: Go get this beer.  Perfectly balanced, high ABV and cheap price make this a winner all around.  Stay snobby my friends.
