Rogue Brewery – Mogul Madness
Afternoon folks. Snob Don here for another review of a most tasty beverage. I arrived home at a decent hour today, much to my liking. Yesterday was spent teaching my son the benefits of a decent sled and using said sled to careen down the driveway. Nothing better than a 40-year-old man flying down his driveway. Yea, I’m actually sore today. Well, I walked into the house and found this little beauty in the fridge. It is a great thing when you can find beer in the fridge you forgot you had. This one hails from the Rogue Brewery lineup and was purchased from Bearden Beer Market.
This bad boy has a total of six different hop additions, making the hop aroma heavenly. After the nice dark amber pour and off-white head, you’re hit with a fantastic citrus hop aroma followed by sweet malts. Upon first taste you get hit with the citrus hops and then the earthy malt comes through after the hop flavor dies down a bit. I detect a slight coffee and caramel flavor in the finish. The bitterness levels are a bit on the high side but since I am a hop head I love it.
Final snobs – I was surprised by how hoppy this brew turned out to be despite the malty color. If you are a hop head like myself I think you will thoroughly enjoy the way that Rogue found a perfect balance between hop bite and malt sweetness. I was more impressed with this beverage than with the 90 minute ale from Dogfish Brewery. I feel the 90 min is too far on the sweet/malty side for my taste. The Mogul fits the bill for my palate.