The United States of Beer by Dane Huckelbridge

While this isn’t a beer review, it is a review and it is beer related, so it counts!

I just finished The United States of Beer: A Freewheeling History of the All-American Drink by Dane Huckelbridge and while I wasn’t quite sure what to expect when I began, now that I’m done I can say that Dan has opened up a wealth of history and information regarding beer in America that I hadn’t considered before and it really all relates to how we have grown and evolved as a country. From the prevalence of corn in the south to the expanding railways as our country reached west – this all had an impact on our beverage of choice.

Beer is a part of the fabric that makes us America. It’s roots can be traced not just back to Europe but beyond and even to the Native Americans that were here when the ships from the east first landed. While many of us see beer today as something to be enjoyed for fun, with friends or paired with dinner, for much of earth’s history this liquid was a life blood and in many cases, currency. As a matter of fact, just recently the World’s Oldest Paycheck showed that the workers were paid in beer! Beer was a common part of one’s diet due to its nutritional value and in some cases because it was cleaner – and safer – than water.

I certainly don’t want to spoil any surprises in this book but I have to say, having read multiple beer-related books lately as  I work towards my Cicerone certification, this one was a lot of fun and incredibly informative. I’d encourage you to check it out. Dane has done a significant amount of research as he has uncovered how beer shaped our country. If nothing else, you’ll pick up some great tidbits of information to wow your friends with over a tasty pint! Well done Dane. Think I’ll have a beer.
